About Us
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About Forever 18 Inches
I’ve always loved dolls and miniatures. In fact, my earliest sewing adventures were for my dolls. My tenth birthday present from my mother was a real, honest-to-goodness sewing basket tricked out with my own scissors, a thimble, pins, needles, thread, a Barbie pattern, and some pretty flannel with pink rosebuds and matching rick-rack. I was in heaven!
I sewed for myself and others up through high school, but once I began college art school my time was focused elsewhere. Both of my children are boys who were not into “fou fou,” but after many years my inner pink bubbled out again when my great nieces received their first American Girl dolls. Oh, the fabrics, the trim, the patterns, the possibilities…and the growing fabric stash, threatening to take over my cupboards.
During that same phase of my life, I also began painting again. Because my painting habit could easily swallow the family checkbook, opening up an Etsy shop seemed like a good tactical move for the sake of my closet space and budget. I began by listing some doll outfits left over from a craft show that a friend had dared me to participate in, and to my surprise and delight, I sold out. One trail led into another, and after a few years I expanded my business and began designing my own patterns.
As the years have passed my doll collection has grown to include many European dolls. I love their beautiful sculpts and high quality! Gotz Happy Kidz, Kidz ‘n Cats, and A Girl for All Time are among my personal favorites because of their articulated joints and larger size. I’m working on resizing many of my patterns for these beauties, as well as smaller dolls such as Paola Reina, Minouche, Ruby Red Fashion Dolls, and several others.
Thank you for visiting my website! If you have any questions, suggestions for new patterns you’d like to see developed, or existing F18 patterns you’d like to see resized please contact me and let me know! I love interacting with customers and hearing your thoughts and ideas.
With appreciation,
Karen Wadsworth
Forever 18 Inches Owner & Designer